Yes - you read that well!
This morning, a customer of mine asked me if I was offering the Master Resell Rights to the library I run, where we offer digital products with PLR rights.
To the library that brings me personally hundreds in daily...
To the library, full of digital files and templates, that made me over $370,000 so far in the last 11th month.
It got me thinking.
For literally hours, I kept thinking...
'Should I?'
Basically - until today, you were able to get access to a library of existing bestsellers digital products with PLR rights (Private Label Rights) written, edited, and designed by leading industry experts, allowing you to resell them as your own.
Meaning - you could discover our ever-growing library which includes a wide variety of ready-made digital products across various niches and industries, including eBooks, planners, journals, checklists, challenges, cards, spreadsheets, worksheets, templates, and more.
Each products were initially designed to help you as a small business owners, for you to use these products as a strong base, to maximise your profit and provide value to your customers.
Until now, I've been offering a monthly subscription where customers could download any digital products from the library, so they would download the template, custom or rebrand the content, list them and start selling them right away on Etsy, on their website, through their Instagram and TikTok accounts, through their sales pages and emails - as long as they had an active subscription.
Today, after I've been asked if I would be selling the entire Master Rights to Resell, I've just realised... WAIT.
YES. Of course I would.
I will.
It works for me. My main goal is to generate money for myself, for my family, for my customers. For people I work with.
That's what I'm doing all day long. Helping them to reach their first 30k month through digital products by monetising something they know/overcame/got results from.
Honestly - I did think this will mean creating direct competition for myself and my brand.
BUT I know that there is money to be made FOR EVERYONE.
If it can help us both generate MORE income as well, then I'm IN to offer these rights.
We're all in this together. This is an asset to be shared.
For me to make more.
For you to make more.
It's 2024. The digital industry is exploding.
Digital products cost NOTHING to create and sell. They are extremely profitable.
It has never been this easy to promote and sell online, to sell from your Etsy, from short form content and stories through Instagram, Tiktok or Youtube.

The demand is increasing.
Now - once you purchase the Master Resell Rights of the library, it becomes 100% yours to resell immediately. The sales are yours.
I'm working closely with my content creator and graphic designer, so this library is LIVE. You purchase a one-off fee from it but it keeps growing every month.
We update it with new tools and new hot digital products monthly - based on how the market evolves with trends and hot keywords.
You can choose to use a few digital products from the library, and sell them to a specific audience.
Or rebrand the entire digital products library to others that want to sell online too.

You can:
- sell the library as a simple big bundle
- sell the MRR (Master Resell Rights) too
- sell the membership access for recurring monthly revenue
And a secret I wasn't supposed to reveal here today, but I'll share it with you now that we're here 😅>>>> I'll be uploading a new extremely popular product within the next few days, currently hooooot on Etsy! 🙄
I always take action... as soon as I have an idea. I've been trying to work on my sales page in a rush, so that the new offer would be up and running for you tonight.
Now - look.
We're in 2024, and honestly... you have 0 excuses to NOT MAKING MONEY anymore online.
You don't need to quit your job or change your habits dramatically.
BUT everything is here, for you, delivered on a plate.

That's why I created all of these mini products, the reason why I created the 30k+ Plan, and this library...
To deliver everything I know, everything I do, everything that worked for me - so that I could be home, so that I could be homeschooling my 2 girls, and support my husband in leaving his job to be with us too.
My entire strategy. My entire set up with how everything is linked between my Etsy store, my emails, my content on Instagram and on my TikTok account.
You can have access to my entire strategy with how to sell, with the personalised plan.
And the entire content, from the library itself.
This is gold.
I'm expecting a huge demand for this, so in order to maintain a balanced distribution, we will increase prices soon.
Ask anything away via the comments section here, and I'll get back to you asap!