Made £2,030 in Digital Product Sales Yesterday Following This 3-Step Plan & Spent The Day at Aljiyad Stables 😍

Made £2,030 in Digital Product Sales Yesterday Following This 3-Step Plan & Spent The Day at Aljiyad Stables 😍


Yesterday, I had one of those perfect days where everything was JUST PERFECT.

I made £2,030 in sales from my digital products, following my plan.

£2,030... from monetising my knowledge.

From monetising what I know...

This digital product business model gives me the freedom to enjoy quality time with my family. It gives me the time, the energy, the fulfilment I used to crave when working as a waitress, for 12h a day.



We spent the entire morning at Aljiyad Stables in Dubai.

I've done horse riding in a club for 5/6 years when I was a kid. I even started jumping and competing. But had a bad scary fall in a forest and completely stopped. I've lost the endurance and strength...


My horse was really calm!

My girls also had their own sessions and lessons.

We loved it so much that I even signed us up to return every week so be ready for some more pony content!

This is ONLY possible because of the lifestyle this digital products business allows me to have.

Selling is a skill.

Marketing is a skill.

And understanding how to monetise something I already knew, turning into a course and learning how to sell it has COMPLETELY CHANGED MY LIFE.

And my family life...

Nothing is luck.

Here is exactly how I did it, and how anyone can when truly implementing it properly.

And if I did it, so can you.

My 3-Step System That Turned into £2,030 in Sales Yesterday – and Make £30,000/month Consistently 

Let me walk you through the entire set up.

It's the same process I follow every day.

Some part of the plan has been implemented once to build the foundation of the business.

Other parts of the plan has to be implemented every single day.

We're talking about the same steps anyone can follow to replicate the same outcome – regardless the niche they are in.

Step 1: Find Your Niche – And The Problem You Solve

I found my niche by identifying a problem I could solve — helping others sell digital products successfully. Helping them start from 0, helping the grow and scale their online store.

I went through a few questions to understand who I wanted to serve, and where I wanted to bring them to. The entire questionnaire is now in the plan.

To validate my idea, I follow a very few simple steps to understand if there was a demand for this.

I also wanted to understand my audience to know exactly what they were struggling with, what were their goals, their fears, their objections towards achieving this specific goal. So I could create the exact solution for them, and the right marketing.

I started first by helping members to go generate their first 30 sales a day on Etsy. As I continued to learn and evolve, I then grew into teaching people on how to make their first £30,000 a month from them, by leveraging Etsy, and social media.

Once I narrowed my focus to this niche, everything became easier.


Step 2: Create a Winning Solution AND FOCUS ON IT

Once I had my niche, I then developed my signature offer.

An offer that provided a real solution. With steps to take people THERE.

I have created my 30K+ Plan, which teaches people how to create and sell their digital products the efficient way by ONLY focussing on money making tasks. I have set a sales page with important sections following a specific storytelling framework, using AI. 

My own solution is a plan —but for you, it could be an ebook, a course, a toolkit, a bundle of guides... — the key is that your offer takes them there.

I set my price. Set my entire back end with automations...

Next, I also created a FREE digital product to be ready to start collecting email addresses: The 30K+ Plan Starter Kit, which gives a quick simple summary of the steps presented in my main offer to let people understand what it will do for them.

Collecting email addresses helps you build a list of potential buyers, allowing you to stay in touch and promote your offers.



Step 3: Sell on Autopilot

Once you have your sales page ready, you have to bring traffic in. DAILY.

And not any kind of traffic. You basically want to attract the right people to see your offer.

One of the biggest breakthroughs for me was setting up systems to sell my offer on auto.

The first platform I use to drive traffic to my sales page is Etsy. After simple market research steps, I re-created existing bestselling flashcards that address a broad problem or struggle my audience faces.

These flashcards act as a top-of-funnel product to make the right people aware of me and what I do. Each flashcard includes a link to my sales page, guiding people to naturally discover my signature offer.

The main offer provides the specific solution they need, but the flashcards tap into what’s already working on the platform. (Etsy guide, product description templates, etc...)

Next, I created a simple email campaign that get delivered to my audience as soon as they subscribe to my email list that follow a specific storytelling framework. Each email contains a link to my sales page.

I also created my own personalised social media content strategy, so everyday, I know exactly what to post on my stories, on my reels, on my blog posts, and can expand on Threads, on LinkedIn, on a podcast later on etc... 

Creating content that sells never been this easy since I have understood how to actually document my behind the scenes the right way using my own b-roll videos – I now follow a simple template for it... so no more overthinking,



They Are On They Way To Their First 30K/month

If I can generate £2,030 in a SINGLE DAY using this system, and keep it consistent, there’s no reason others can’t do the same.

I am a firm believer than ANYONE can sell if they accept to follow fundamentals.

If they accept to discipline themselves following ONE PLAN, and focus on it for the next few months.

And if they finish what they start.

I locked myself in until I had consistent sales. There was no other way for me. No plan B. I wanted it this way. I created it THIS WAY.

I am now missing NOTHING from my girls childhood, never being far from them.

And working hard for them, for us. All day. everyday.

Trying to give them the best we can. To let them try and experience as much as they possibly can. As much as we would have wanted to when we were a child, their dad and me.

So they can be open, awake, aware and have all the tools they need to make the best decisions in life for THEM and the world.

I owe my kids.
I owe my husband.
I owe my family.
I owe the world.

But most importantly, I owe MYSELF.


🚨 Attention: We currently have a limited-time offer with limited daily spots where members can receive a personalised 1:1 custom 30K+ Plan Strategy that comes alongside their 30K Plan within 3 days of completing a self-assessment form, removing all the guesswork. (subject to availability)
If you need to ask a question or need to know more about the 30K+ plan, please reach out directly on my WhatsApp HERE for a quick answer.



👉 The 30K+ Plan


Chat tomorrow. x

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