Lunch time, and I already generated £6,000 today... from digital products.

Lunch time, and I already generated £6,000 today... from digital products.



Today, I woke up to 141,387 sales on Etsy.

It’s +107 sales from Etsy alone more than yesterday, with digital products created MONTH AGO that keep selling because the entire store is set to bring the right traffic in and convert them.


It’s about £460 in 24h, from the marketplace alone.



It’s now lunch time as we speak, and since this morning, I also generated about £5,600 from emails that I send regularly and social media content. 


Here is the exact simple set up I have for myself:

I first found the transformation I wanted to offer. What I wanted to be know for. What problem I wanted to solve.


‘Teaching business’ is NOT a niche.


Helping overwhelmed but driven small business owners to start, launch, grow and scale their digital product-based business online with absolute chronological clarity IS a niche.


This is mine.


This is how I stand out. And how I’m able to cut the noise and become one of the fastest growing leader in my industry.


You then have to understand who you’re selling to. In depth.


Their fears. Their goals. Their objections.


So you can create SOLUTIONS for them, to tackle each of their pain points.


If you get this right, you’re creating your own way to your 1st million…


My own set up looks like this, and this is what I teach anyone I work with:


> Mini ticket solutions digital products (under £10)

> Mid-ticket solutions digital offer (under £500)

> High-ticket solutions offer (unlimited ££££)


You have to replicated this set up for yourself.


I help small business owners start, grow and scale their online business through digital offers.


BUT you can replicate this set up within any niche.


Here is what I teach in your personalised 30k+ Plan, and what I have myself in place too.


In my case, I know that small business owners are struggling to stand out and cut through the noise, and what clear and simple problem can they actually solve to their audience. I also know that they struggle to create the right winning and in-demand product suite, and suffer from self-doubts. They clearly lack clarity and direction. They don’t know what to do NEXT. They don’t know what working on money making tasks could change everything for them and their income.


My target audience is my previous ME. I’ve been once struggling to get results, to sell. So I know my target audience by heart.


I’ve been there.


So I created exactly what they needed based on what used to sell well already in the market. Small digital products that tackle each of their pain points.


And you should too. You should never start NEW. You should take what works and apply your own version, your own story, your own touch.


But not only.


I created a mid ticket offer: My Master Resell Rights Digital Products Library for them to be able to use hot ready-made and ready-to-resell digital products created from me. This is an absolute MUST for them. They can use each digital products and resell them. Or even resell the library as theirs. As if they created it themselves. This is huge. This library brought me in nearly 400k in sales since we launched it 11 months ago now… I know I’ve made the right decision the day I launched it.

The MRR Digital Product Library >>>


master resell rights digital products library


I didn’t stop there.


I also created a high ticket offer: The 30k+ Personalised Plan so small business owners can apply to get a complete tailored and personalised 1:1 sales plan for them to go from where they are to reach their first 30k month from home, using Etsy, emails and socials.


The 30k+ Personalised Plan (on application only) >>>



the 30k+ personalised sales plan from upstrider 

To help others replicate everything that I have created for myself through clear steps and actions for them to take.


Here is what I've done from here: I’ve optimised my Etsy store properly (branding, SEO, product suite, pricing, creatives and thumbnails, competitiveness, follow-ups and automations) so that I can attract the right traffic to my mini digital products, and sell FAST.

Etsy is a marketplace and allows me to get seen worldwide from people that are actively searching for keywords and specific solutions to their problems. This allows me to get known fast and get a huge amount of new people discovering me DAILY!

 My etsy store >>>



BUT Etsy is JUST an asset. There is A LOT of money to be generated OUTSIDE Etsy too through your offers.


I’m proposing FREE digital products to get my visitors and customers into my email list. So then I can keep the contact.


And sell them my offers through emails and socials. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


I have my own personalised plan. My personalised daily tasks to follow. And of course, I applied my own foundations tasks myself too. Similar to what you would receive in your own plan if we would work together, but tailored to you.


I know exactly what to post daily. What to talk about. What to showcase on my ;listings and how to speak to my audience, what words to use based on their fears, their objections, their goals…



Do you understand how the set up works?


Everything is done purposefully.


- Setting up strong foundations to make sure you offer the right stuff to the right people.

- And marketing your solutions for people to understand what you do, trust what you do and desire what you sell.


Following simple but boring daily tasks.

Repetitive and consistent money-making actions that works.


Some mentees are smashing it since they work on their plan and part of the library. 

I’ve just received this milestones shared from Clare. She is selling patterns files.

This is how you build a business that brings you 30k+ a month consistently from Etsy, and social media, based on something you already know without holding any diploma and from home.


30k+ personalised plan results

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After you apply, you will receive a direct link to join and be redirected to complete a15-question Self-Assessment Form.This helps personalise your action plan for a custom 30K+ Plan. Based on your assessment and the market, the team and I will develop your niche, target audience, product offers, and content strategy report. As soon as you join, you'll receive immediate access to your 30K+ Plan and, within 3 days, your personalised report to make the most of it.