Here is exactly how Emily will now turn her fitness tips and meal plans into ONE program and reach 30K/month >>>

Here is exactly how Emily will now turn her fitness tips and meal plans into ONE program and reach 30K/month >>>

digital products sales from upstrider
I'm not sure if you are extremely frustrated with the situation you are in right now.
BUT I was.
Very badly.
You're in my email contact list so you've probably received the very first email where I explained more about me and my story.
And all about me being a waitress, working 10 to 12h a day 6 days a week.
I KNEW it wasn't forever.
But I didn't know what else I could do.
Without diploma.
Without any idea of what I even wanted to do.
In a different country, UK, far away from home.
I know how frustrating it is to feel stuck.
But you know what?
This is actually amazing. You have to embrace that.
Without me feeling frustrated, I would have never TRIED anything else.
Some people complain for YEARS.
They complain about their routine, their jobs, their relationships, the lack of income, their health... and how miserable their life and circumstances are...
But don't do ANYTHING about it.
They don’t change.
They don't try.
They don't dare.
They simply accept and comply, stuck in a victim mindset. Forever.
I couldn't.
I needed something else. Something new.
Something that gives me complete freedom.
I wanted to live the way I wanted to.
Waking up when I want to.
Spending the day with my girls.
With my husband.
Going to bed when I want to.
I wanted to travel the world.
Move countries. Come back. And move again.
Eating when I want to.
The moment I thought about it, it already existed.
I didn't know HOW.
I didn't know WHEN.
Just wanted something different.
And I made it happen.
Because there is something crazy about DECIDING.
About proactively working for it.
You make it happen.
Through sleepless nights – for sure.
But you make it happen.
A few FULL FOCUS months do change a life... I am the living proof of that.
Fast forward to last year, I decided to create and sell my own signature course to monetise my digital marketing knowledge and reached 30,000 a month within my first 90 days by actually applying all the steps and methods I’ve laid out in it.
I’m now able to homeschool my 2 daughters, live life the way I always wanted to, decided to leave the UK and move to Dubai with my husband and daughters, and literally just started to invest in properties here…
We're securing our first deal in the next few days...
And if I did it as a mum of 2 toddlers who left her country when she was 19 without any diploma, anyone can too following and sticking to the exact same step by step plan.
Emily will do too – and I am EXTREMELY EXCITED.
She joined the 30K+ Plan a few days ago – and will now be starting with the same plan I follow from complete scratch.
To give you a bit of context, I met her Dad in a public speaking training hosted by Rob Moore, a few months ago.
He reached out a couple of weeks ago to see how she could start and grow her new business the most efficient way possible.

She wants to start and go all-in this year.
We are ALL-IN for it.
With no clear plan, it's easy to feel completely stuck.
You don't know what to create exactly.
You don't know where to start, or what to focus on.
What platform to be on. To advertise or not.
What to say/what to write to create content etc...
You don't want to lose time and energy on something that won't bring any return etc...
But that's it.
She will find answers to ALL of her questions...
The 30K+ Plan is a step by step digital marketing sales to go from scratch to £30K/month by selling your knowledge — by following the chronological steps, tasks, and sales methods. It’s a complete business blueprint that includes my specific guidance, AI prompts, generators, fill-in-the-blanks scripts and templates for you to personalise & map out every step to your own niche.
You basically learn how to create, optimise and sell your digital products.
BUT plan also includes a personalised action plan (FREE as a limited-time bonus) – to remove all the brainstorming parts and speed up all your implementation.
So let’s go.
On her self-assessment form, she shared that she was passionate about nutrition and fitness, wanting to make healthy living accessible and enjoyable.
So she will now be known for helping busy individuals who feel stuck with traditional diets and fitness routines to achieve their goals, through custom meal plans, efficient fitness routines, and lifestyle coaching — without restrictive diets or time-consuming workouts.
We discovered that her audience struggles with balancing a healthy lifestyle due to busy schedules.
They also fear failing at another diet and feel overwhelmed by conflicting advice.
They need a solution that’s simple, sustainable, and effective.
So, I’ve asked her to create The Healthy Habits 90-Day Transformation Program.
This will be a comprehensive plan that helps them achieve their health goals with personalised meal plans, tips, efficient fitness routines, and lifestyle coaching.
She can also use our Digital Products Library if she needs ready-made digital products to fill her program with.
Next, the plan is to quickly set up her sales page by generating all the sections for her specific offer.
She will need to offer a FREE Healthy Habits Starter Kit with the prompts and guidance for her to start collecting email addresses.
Next, she will have to set up automation and easily create her automatic email sequences following my storytelling content email framework to make sure her audience understands what she sells, and trust that she can help them achieve their goals.
At that stage, it's time to sell and so we need to let the world knows that we exist.
To drive daily quality traffic to her sales page even when she sleeps, I’m asking her to quickly open an Etsy store.
She will have to create existing bestsellers mini digital products with her own story and touch to it.
Such as all in one notion meal planner, recipes, a fitness planner, exercises with images and more.

She will have to list and optimise each listing one by one using my perfect match method strategy.
For her product description, her SEO, pricing, follow-up, automation, listings photos and videos.
If she wants to start getting seen and sell from day 1, she will need to beat the competition.
The plan is for her to propose more and better by adding value to her offers.
She will also need to add sign-up form and implement specific daily tasks to collect email addresses and reviews.
So shop visitors and buyers can start getting redirected to her sales page.
As soon as sales come in, she can scale on social media.
I’m asking her to follow my step-by-step storytelling story series for her Instagram and TikTok accounts.
She will also be following her content plan, and the entire series tailored to market her 90-day program across all social media platforms to sell through her blog posts, Instagram and TikTok videos, threads, YouTube and podcasts.
Now - she will need to drop any advice she heard until now.
Implement the plan.
And stick to it every single day.
If she wants to seriously monetise her knowledge.

This is exactly how you go from no sales to selling your offer, program, plan, course or service daily… online.
My biggest month has been £125,000 in revenue in March this year – following foundation.
So hope this inspired you.
If you have a question about The 30K+ Plan and how it could work for your own stage and situation, please reach out directly on my WhatsApp HERE for a quick answer.
Chat tomorrow.

upstrider digitial products and the personalised 30K+ Plan
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After you apply, you will receive a direct link to join and be redirected to complete a15-question Self-Assessment Form.This helps personalise your action plan for a custom 30K+ Plan. Based on your assessment and the market, the team and I will develop your niche, target audience, product offers, and content strategy report. As soon as you join, you'll receive immediate access to your 30K+ Plan and, within 3 days, your personalised report to make the most of it.