Transforming a Cooking Recipes Blog into a Profitable 30k/Month Digital Product Business

Transforming a Cooking Recipes Blog into a Profitable 30k/Month Digital Product Business

Upstrider Etsy shop sales from selling digital products online

Within the last 24h, I've made about £400 on Etsy and £2,800 from social media selling digital products.

It is like this every day since months.

If I can do this, you can too following the same plan.

Today, we'll craft a custom step-by-step business plan for Angela, to help her generate enough money for her to quit her day job in a few months.


30k+ personalised plan

She said she already tried a few side hustles but none of them have taken off so far. 

On her assessment form, she said that she loves cooking so she basically started a website and an instagram account to share all her recipes with the world. That's what she done, that what we're starting with.

BUT she doesn't really know how she could actually gain money from that.

She said that the time has come. She's ready to go all-in and implement every task I will ask her to, step by step.

So we aren't completely starting from scratch.

We've got a website with some content. We've got an instagram account created. But no audience yet. And that's totally fine.

upstrider sales plan

On her self-assessment form, she talked about how she learned to cook healthy meals to improve her health. She now wants to help her customers by sharing practical solutions based on her own experience and what she enjoys...

Angela also highlighted her busy lifestyle and the importance of time and budget management in her cooking routine which will resonate with people who face similar challenges balancing work, family, and cooking/preparing meals responsibilities.

So... here we go! We have it.

Angela will now be known for helping people cook delicious, healthy meals easily and affordably. She's got lots of tips and recipes to share from here.

The plan is to start on Etsy, and create mini digital products first to build an audience fast and start selling.

digital products creation

We use Etsy to leverage the marketplace traffic that the platform brings you daily.

What we want to do here is to use what works well already.

We don't want to do new, we want to take what works. And do better. We want to add our own content and touch on it.

Based on our market research, we discovered that the healthy living and cooking category is growing on Etsy. In 2022, the category on Etsy generated $6.6 billion in gross merchandise value.

In 2023, digital downloads generated $826 million in this category on Etsy, and this one is expected to continue to grow. Perfect for us. We also found out that 54% of people struggle to cook meals due to lack of time and the rising food costs make budget-friendly meal planning attractive!

There is a huge demand for digital products such as printable meal planning templates, ebooks on healthy cooking, and online cooking tutorials... and much, much more.

digital product to sell on etsy

Imagine the possibilities outside Etsy... with other offers!


1️⃣ Creating mini digital products on Etsy:
meal planners, smart inventory trackers, and hyperlinks quick recipe books.

2️⃣ Create a membership: 'The Weekend Feast Club', a monthly membership offering access to a cooking community and a curated selection of new recipes each month, focusing on healthy, diverse cuisines, for recurring revenue.

3️⃣ Create a high ticket offer: A series of high-end, interactive online cooking workshops. Each series could focus on a specific cuisine or cooking technique, including live coaching and personalised feedback.

personalised 30k+ plan



After a few hours of research, here is what we know about who we're selling to:

Her audience is struggling to find time for cooking healthy, home-made meals due to a busy lifestyle.

They also lack knowledge or confidence in cooking dishes from different cultures.

And they usually always find meal planning and preparation challenging, leading to repetitive or uninteresting meals.

This is where Angela comes in with her winning product suite.

personalised 30k+ sales plan

Here - we don't want to do new.

We will take what works on the platform, and propose better.

I'm asking her to recreate her own versions of bestselling items such as hyperlinked meal planners and recipe books. We're talking about templates, ebooks, challenges, inventory tracker.

digital products to sell

The plan will take her through the EXACT steps to take to list all of her products on Etsy, using the right SEO, the right product description, the right pricing strategy, the right automations and follow ups to gather the maximum of feedback FAST.

Then next, I'm asking her to offer free digital products such as sub topic recipe flashcards in exchange of their contact details, for her to build her email list and social media following so she can market new offers outside Etsy with automations using Artificial Intelligence: a collection of easy and nutritious breakfast recipes for busy mornings, to make sure we propose quick preparation and healthy ingredients.

We have a PLR digital products library where she can easily download free digital products, and start reselling as they are, after changing the branding into her own.

digital products resell rights library

I'm also taking her through the entire set up of her email list so she can segment her audience with different tags.

At some point, during her tasks, I'm also asking her to set up a product recommendation quiz called 'What's Cooking for You?' for them to get recommended their ideal meal plan.

This will allow her to collect email addresses, provide tips and so - show expertise. And... sell on auto-pilot once the entire quiz and automations set up properly!

She also knows how to set up high converting sign-up forms, and sales pages.

The plan is for her to create a membership and create a high ticket offer at a much higher price point to then go from 10k to 30k+ a month.

I know it is very intense...

But how worth it.

This is how you build a business that brings you 30K+ a month consistently starting from Etsy, based on something you already know and love to talk about.

Hundreds of mentees are currently following their plans and making amazing progress...

personalised 30k+ upstrider plan results clients

It is just the beginning.

A new era.

This is how you build a business that brings you 30K+ a month consistently based on something that you already know and love to talk about.

The plan is only on applications from now to make sure we pick the right profile to work with.

If you ever wanted to start, grow or scale your online business, here is where to apply to get your personalised plan, and work together:

 The 30k+ Personalised Plan. 

Which plan or niche should I document next?

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