4h after working on her plan, she is ranking 1st on Etsy and started to sell 😅🔥  >>

4h after working on her plan, she is ranking 1st on Etsy and started to sell 😅🔥 >>


I'm not too sure if you're here, reading this blog post, to get inspired by what I do - by selling digital products online and by the money I make daily from it...

But if you ever wanted to know what's possible and some storytime, read further right now.
This will fuel you.
It's now 11pm in UK, at the time I write this email. Tuesday 6th March.
And I've generated £7,700+ from my social media, from talking about my 2 offers on my stories and through videos.
My Etsy store also generated 119 sales, within the last 24h. ('Upstrider' on Etsy).
This is the same since months now.
Haters will say 'she's lucky'.
And I will let them think that.
Others will watch closely.
And realise that there is a system behind everything I do:
•⁠ ⁠my listings on Etsy.
•⁠ ⁠my stories on here.
•⁠ ⁠my videos on here.
•⁠ ⁠my emails.
•⁠ ⁠my blog posts.
Everything I do and post is intentional. Every morning, I know exactly what to do.
My own foundations and tasks have been implemented a while ago, and I have built my own plan. Full of daily tasks to work on.
I don't think/overthink anymore.
The entire thing is getting boring, the creative part doesn't exist anymore. I don't create anymore, I EXECUTE. I implement. I repeat.
I'm a lambda mum of 2. Working from my living room.
Sometimes from my car, while bringing Ivy-Rose & Charlotte - my 2 daugters - to their classes.
Sometimes from my bed, when the girls are sleeping.
Sometimes from the sofa., drinking my 1st coffee in the morning.
I did change my life with this business model. Completely.
I've retired my husband from his day job. I'm homeschooling my girls, and can afford a private tutor 20h a week for them. I've bought my dream car. I'm investing in real estate...
By simply sharing something I knew. Sharing information.
And bringing people from a point A to a point B.
I'm now earning about £80,000... by doing this. Daily.
Here is my simple set up:
1️⃣ I solve a problem.
2️⃣ I create HOT/in-demand solutions to solve it. (30 mini products, and 2 offers)
3️⃣ I sell them on Etsy, through emails and social media.
I'm self-made. Self-taught. Started from nothing... 0. 0 followers. No skills. Nothing.
I just brainstorm everything.
Making your first 30k online from digital products may seem so so far away from where you are at right now but it doesn't have to be - once you understand the set up.
Once you understand that MAKING MONEY BY SELLING PRODUCTS OR SERVICES all comes down to SERVING!!!
To helping SOMEONE achieve a specific outcome with YOUR SOLUTIONS.
You need to learn these 2 things:
👉 how to become good at getting found
👉 how to make your ppl UNDERSTAND, TRUST and DESIRE your SOLUTIONS.
Selling online is a SKILL.
If you know how to serve and sell, you generate CASH.
Sales = Exchange between a value and money.
Start by solving a problem, create solutions and learning how to gain traffic + convert with fundamentals.
The plan takes you through everything you need to do and know - without leaving any questions unanswered. Any gap. Any hole.
For 90 days and beyond.
The plan is intense.
It takes you through ALL THE IMPLEMENTATION and the entire set up you need to have and put in place the right way (branding, emails, lead magnets, templates for everything (shop announcement, branding, brand story, product description, follow ups, feedbacks answers, hooks, etc...), your product creation and/ or products optimisation, your Etsy optimisation (ALL!!!), your website optimisation, your sales pages optimisation, your product recommendation quiz, and your content strategy.
And I support you all along. (we are 3 behind our support line :))
Is it intense????? Hell yes..
Pick what's worthy for you!!! And just make it happen!
Decide how and when.
Astrid, who recently started her 30k+ plan, is now creating her Etsy store and listing her first few products - as per her plan.
4h later, this happened >>>



She opened her store at 4pm yesterday.
By 8pm, she already sold 3, then 5 digital products and plenty others added the products in their carts.
She can scale that out on socials so easily later on.
She is SET for her first 30k month very soon...




It comes down to following her plan religiously:

1️⃣ SOLVE A PROBLEM: I've asked her to get super clear on the problem she solves. She now takes her audience to a specific outcome. She is helping architects, interior designers and students to be more efficient/productive by offering templates, design tools and guides. So they can grow quicker.
2️⃣ CREATING IN-DEMAND SOLUTIONS: I've asked her to create and recreate existing bestsellers (portfolio creation tuto, project management spreadsheets, guides, contract templates, tools) to sell on Etsy and Shopify, and a mid-ticket offer + a high-ticket offer to sell on socials. And to create FREE offers to start collecting email addresses to build her email list + following. She can also have access to my Master Resell Digital Products Library, and use my ready-made/ready to resell products to get started and gain time on products creation. Inside, she can request potential bestellers for my team to recreate.
3️⃣ SELLING THEM: I then went through the entire set up of her Etsy store, and how she HAS TO set up and optimise everything from A TO Z. Her website. Her sales pages. Her product recommendation quiz to sell down the line. Her content strategy and how what she will need to post on stories, videos, by emails... to sell her offers. Based on SPECIFIC STORYTELLING SALES ELEMENTS.
She's showing up on 1st page already on Etsy...
Wait until she starts putting her offers on socials too MAKING MONEY FROM A BUNDLE, A COURSE or A PROGRAM isn't COMPLICATED when you learn + implement the right simple set up.
Ignore this if you're already making 30k+ month from selling digital products online - consistently.
But if you don't, WAKE UP.
There are new opportunities, new chances for those who want to see it.
Chat soon x



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