Tuesday 7 January.
The day ends, it's even 1 am already here in Dubai.
I hope you've been productive today.
I hope you've CREATED more than you've CONSUMED.
And I hope you're actively thinking of a way out.
On HOW and WHAT you will be doing next to improve your situation.
Whatever situation you are in.
Whatever life you're living right now.
Whatever circumstances you're dealing with.
Because your life – the one you're living right now – is a sum of all the actions you take.
And it starts from NOW. From today, from tomorrow.
If you want to build a life where you earn money digitally the same way as the creators you see on socials or all over Etsy, from something you've created (a course, a program, a tutorial, a bundle, ...), then ANYTHING you will decide to do next is a step forward.
Even if it is just reading about it.
Even if it just asking a question.
Even if it is just planning ahead.
And it starts by understanding what YOU want from it.
Is it time FREEDOM?
Is it location FREEDOM?
Is it financial FREEDOM?
Is it because you want to quit your job?
Is it because you want to build a brand that's recognised worldwide?
Is it because you want to be known for something specific and feel massive PRIDE?
When I started in Jan 2023, I wrote in a piece of paper ALL the stuff I NEEDED to achieve.
I knew what I wanted.
I hope you understand how important this is.
I'm also on a journey.
I'm nowhere near where I want to be professionally, financially, mentally or physically. YET.
There is so much more I want to build and do for Upstrider.
I'm doing it with you.
I'm building my own.
And you're building yours.
We're doing it together.
In the past 24h, I have made another £1,000+.
From selling my high ticket offer. And probably about 50 new more Etsy sales. Reaching now 163,286 Sales.
Always by following the same system:
The same system that made me reach a consistent £30K+/month until now.
I help ppl go from 0 to £30K/m by helping them to monetise their knowledge with ONE digital product + upsells in their first 90 days and keep it consistent – I decided on this one after achieving it myself and helping others do it too.
The problem you solve can literally be anything as long as it is in-demand, clear, and specific.
I launched The 30K+ Plan™️ – which is a digital marketing plan, full of tools, resources and the chronological actionable steps to get THERE.
The digital product you create/launch can be a program, a bundle of tools, a plan, a library of assets, a membership...
To sell my high ticket, I have created an automated system that works across Etsy and social media.
→ I leverage Etsy to rank 1st with my listings, which drives daily traffic and sales. The goal here is to attract the right people who are searching for solutions that my high ticket offer delivers on.
→ I also use social media to amplify the same storytelling framework and guide them to the sales page.
→ Once they see my Etsy listings and social media content, I direct them to a high-converting lead magnet where they can sign up for my email list + lead them to the next step: my sales page.
Here, you don't want to do NEW. You want to take what works for others in your niche and do BETTER by making sure your listings stand out. I personally follow the 'perfect match method' and teach everyone about it, broken down in the 30K+ Plan™ step by step. The same for your social media content, by following a storytelling approach to communicate what you do and your offer can help, without selling,

On the same note, and following the EXACT same system, one of our 30K+ Plan members is now making 5 figures/month from 'helping complete beginners master 'sewing'.
We've made
She created a mid-ticket offer full of tools, and sewing patterns to choose from and get them to finish their first project within a few weeks. She also created upsell add-ons (library of more patterns, custom pattern service, etc...)
To sell her program, she gets her traffic from bestselling Etsy listings (patterns, bundles and mini tutorials) + email and isn't even using social media fully yet.
I will have her entire story study case on my website soon so you can see her work too and get inspired.
With attention to detail and focus, ANYTHING CAN BE DONE.
🔔 We're also welcoming Laia, new 30K+ Plan member who joined the crew yesterday!
She filled her 'Kickstart Strategy Form on Sunday and joined yesterday. She already received her 30K+ Plan™ and has now received her self-assessment form to fill and send back to us – for us to craft her personalised action plan that comes with it.
We will define the right problem to solve, her mid/high ticket offer, and guide her through her entire Etsy optimisation with the right listings + social media content for her to sell it effectively.
I will probably break down her entire 30K+ Plan™ + how we will work together to bring her to 30K+ a month FAST using her Etsy store (she's already running an Etsy store and has already listed a few low tickets on it).
She has a lot of work ahead in the coming weeks, but she knows it will be worth it and life changing.
I can't wait for everyone of us to LITERALLY KILL IT this year.
Whatever goal you have.
This year, we're doing what we say we will do.
We also just delivered Rebekah's £500 reward tonight for being THE HIGH ACHIEVER OF THE MONTH FOR DECEMBER 2024, following Gem's official announcement in the 30K+ mentoring group a few days ago!

I'm going to bed feeling FULL, FILLED AND FULFILLED this evening.
I hope this FUELS you tonight.
You are much more capable than you think you are.
And also... don't wait to be an expert in whatever niche you want to build and grow your business on.
I didn't wait to be an expert in my own field.
I created my offer when I was selling on Etsy.
I helped people make their first 30 sales every day on Etsy, created a step by step 30K+ Plan™ (The 30+ Sales Daily) and sold it using Etsy and social media with bestselling listings and a robust focused content strategy.
Whatever RESULT/OUTCOME you've achieved, it's time to SHOW UP and SHARE THAT TO THE WORLD.
if YOU achieve something, YOUR WAY OF DOING IT is valuable.
Why are we even on earth if it's not to exchange our SKILLS, TOOLS, TIPS and KNOWLEDGE?
Anne x
If you’ve ever thought about starting your own 30K+/month journey with us and need to chat about it with me and the team, I've launched the FREE '30K+ strategy breakdown' to help you open up about your situation, your goals, your struggles, and we will map out your first steps together to get started first.
It’s quick and gives you a clear idea of what your own 30K+ Plan would look like.